5 fears holding you back from writing
As a kid, I remember being praised for my writing and drawing and creative ideas. On a few occasions, I was invited to the front of the class to read out a story. When I was fifteen years old, my English teacher assigned a project to write a ‘choose-your-own-adventure’ story and my haunted house tale ended up having the length and complexity of an actual tale. She wrote me a note saying I should consider becoming a writer. At senior prizegiving, my art teacher suggested I go to art school.
I was lucky. My parents, teachers, and friends lifted me up and supported my creativity. I can’t imagine not doing this without that support. But even with that support and reassurance, I’m plagued by doubts and fears.
Fear seems to go along with a career in the arts. We live with a constant stream of fears and negative self-talk running through our heads. What if I’m not good enough? What if I can’t pay the bills? What if I fail? What if I succeed? What if everyone hates me? What if I lay it all bare and it blows up in my face?
I’m no different. I’m terrified every time I release a book or publish a blog post. The day I hit the button to launch the Only Freaks Turn Things Into BonesKickstarter I was a total wreck – cold sweats, jitters, the whole deal. I thought everyone would think it was dumb, that no one would back it, that people would mock me about the subject matter (“she’s so lame!”), that I’d fall on my face.
But I still did it.
Because the alternative to facing your fears is even worse – sitting at home, not doing anything, wondering if you could have done it if only you gave it a chance. Honestly, that’s what I’m afraid of more than any of the below fears.
If you’re trying to push through your fears so you can keep going with your book or other creative projects, then this article might help. I’ve compiled some useful techniques you might be able to use to get shit done even when you’re afraid. I hope you find it useful.
I’m never going to be as good as <insert famous and awesome person>, so what’s the point?
Here’s the thing. No one starts out being Stephen King. Or Agatha Christie. Or J. K. Rowling. Not even J. K. Rowling started off as J. K. Rowling. There was a time when she was ordinary old Jo, furiously scribbling stories on the train while she fretted that she’d never been as good a writer as JRR Tolkien.
When I first started writing. I wanted to be China Mieville. I wanted his career, his book sales, his invitations to speak about interesting things at literary events. The fact that my work wasn’t up to his standards kept me tweaking it for years longer than I perhaps should have.
I’m never going to be the next China Mieville. There’s only one China, and he already exists and probably doesn’t want me inhabiting his body. But I can be the best damn Steff Green / Steffanie Holmes out there.
I think that’s even better.
What to do if you feel this fear:
All my ideas are dull and pointless and have been done a million times before. I’m such a hack.
Often this comes about when you read something by someone else which incorporates some of your ideas. You think, “well, they’ve already done it, so I’ve got no chance.”
There are no original ideas. Do you think J. K. Rowling was the first person to set a book in a magical boarding school? No. In fact, that was part of the reason for her success – she tapped into an existing literary tradition.
The idea is less than 0.0001% of what makes a successful book or project. Even if your idea is total crap (which it’s not), how you choose to express it will be what defines your project.
You have lived an interesting life. You have your own unique experiences that you bring to your work. You have a voice and a style that’s 100% your own. That’s what readers fall in love with – not your ideas, but your execution.
What to do if you feel this fear:
People will read it and tell me it’s terrible and I can’t deal with that shizz.
Can’t you?
I fully admit that sometimes hearing negative criticism of your books is hard. It takes 10 amazing reviews to delete the damage in your heart done by one negative review. It’s hard when you pour your heart and soul into your creative work to hear someone tear it down.
But that’s on me – I don’t have to read the reviews. Usually, I don’t. I suggest you don’t, either.
Rejection is part of life. It will happen to you. You don’t have to go looking for it, but you need to find ways to cope with it.
Have you never gone to flirt with someone interesting, only to be rebuffed? Have you ever suggested an idea at an office meeting, only to have it shut down?
Sometimes people are mean, or unintentionally hurtful, and that sucks and I wish things were different. But you control how you react to their comments. If you let that one rejection stop you from flirting, or suggesting improvements, then you’re going to miss out on a whole bunch of awesomeness.
Don’t let your fear of rejection stop you putting yourself forward – there are way too many amazing things that come to those who are bold. Trust me, I know :)
What to do if you feel this fear:
I suck at marketing myself
You have to stop thinking ‘marketing’ is cold calling random people and asking them to read your book, or working some kind of social media wizardry. It’s not this mystery talent some people possess and others don’t. You don’t have to be an extrovert to promote your work. When I market, I:
Once you’ve got the newsletter/blog/social media set up, doing that stuff is pretty easy. There are lots of things you can learn to improve your marketing, but the basics are simple. Just let people who are interested know. You don’t have to be some kind of wizard.
When you have something you’re excited about, none of this seems like work. And it’s not bothering people. It’s not harassing them. When you sign up for a newsletter for your favourite shop, do you groan every time you get an email that they’re having a sale? Hell no, you throw your credit card at the computer and scream, “Just take it all! I don’t need food, just give me the pretty BlackMilk!” (Maybe that’s just me?)
Realise this – real people feel that way about your books or your art.
What to do if you feel this fear:
It doesn't matter how many times something has been written. You've got to write it YOUR way."
Steff Green
Writer and publishing coach.
My work isn't perfect
This is one of my biggest fears. I’ve spent most of my life trying to ace every test, get as close to 100% as possible. I got 98% on a history test once and I was angry with myself because the one answer I got wrong was so obvious.
I’ve learned that if I want to finish things and move forward and actually have a book to put into people’s hands, I had to let go of this desire for perfection.
I wanted to be a working writer more than I wanted to be perfect.
What to do if you feel this fear:
Do you experience fear when you’re trying to create? What do you do to push through?
I also wrote another essay on fear, which is very personal and has some more advice. You can read Fear and loathing and squirrels: what to do when you’re scared shitless on my author website.
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How to build a successful and productive writing process.
How to explore and nurture your unique writing voice.
How to rock a badass writing career and strive for your goals.
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